Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

The ultimate heart throb.


Anonymous said...

It’s good to have finally found where you hang out. I have been looking for your blog for some time now. I have been reading your weekly post at TGB since you have been posting there and also see you at Geezer Music Club from time to time. Although it seemed evidence was to the contrary, I just couldn’t believe you wouldn’t have a blog of some sort but you seemed determined to leave any clues behind! lol

Recently I embarrassed myself somewhat by finding a blog owner in Australia by the name of Peter who actually had a picture of himself which looked eerily similar to you but I couldn’t find his last name. I was sure I had found you and wrote a comment to him explaining the trials of my search and how glad I was to have found his blog. Some hours later I realized it wasn’t you and was left somewhat red-faced.

Anyway, glad I found you and so don’t be surprised if I show up from time to time. I am also a fan of Emmy Lou’s and especially like her cover versions of some of those old classic fifties and sixties pop songs.

Alan G

Fireblossom said...

Oh she is, she so is! And that's a really nice photo of her, too. Siiiiiiiiighhhhh.

Roy said...

Be still, my heart!

K. said...

Mine too, Roy. It's not having much luck, though!

As my late wife said (the quote at the foot of the blog): "It's not fair that anyone can look like that and sing like that!"

Fireblossom said...

Omg, I used to say that ALL the time about Kate Bush back in the 80's!

Fireblossom said...

...and I'm very sorry about your wife. :-(